When you give, you reflect God.
When we give, we are doing more than merely meeting the needs of the church.
We reflect and display the heart of God.
Ways to Give

Drop in the boxes on Your Way Out

Mail to 1316 N Lincoln St, Spokane, WA 99201
Text any dollar amount to 84321
The first time you Text2Give (84321) you will receive this text message.
Click the link, search for and select “True Hope Church”, Follow the on-screen instructions and fill out the needed info, and confirm!
You will receive a confirmation text and email with your amount.
**Please note, you only need to do these steps the first time you Text2Give. After that, you only need to text the amount you wish to give!
When you give, God provides.
There is a clear connection between our generosity and God’s provision. We don’t know exactly the way God will always do it, but we know He does.
Learn more about what God is doing at True Hope from our
Annual Report
When you give, you partner with God.
God has a mission. God is actively on the move, pursing people with His love. One way we partner with God is by directing our resources to the work of His kingdom.
Non-Cash Giving
Non-Cash Assets
You can donate non-cash gifts like:
Marketable Securities: transfer ownership of your stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares
Other Non-Cash Gifts: donate items like property, cars, boats, and jewelry
Life Insurance: name True Hope Church as a beneficiary of your policy
Planned Gifts: give via retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc. as part of your overall personal financial strategy
If you are interested in any of these types of giving, please contact us at give@truehopechurch.org.
Have digital currency assets you'd like to donate to True Hope? You can now donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash through True Hope's Engiven account.